The iconic character of Wolverine, played by Hugh Jackman, has left an indelible mark on the superhero universe. From his first appearance in 2000 to his emotional end in 2017, Wolverine has been a symbol of strength, pain and redemption. Recently, Jackman, along with director James Mangold and producer Hutch Parker, attended a unique screening of ‘Logan Noir’, the black and white version of the acclaimed film ‘Logan’.
The event, held in New York, included a Q&A session that was broadcast to several movie theaters around the country, including the famed Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood. Below, we explore the highlights of the evening, especially Jackman’s reflections on the end of his character and the significance of that cinematic closure.
A Unique and Emotional Projection
The screening of ‘Logan Noir’ was an exclusive event that offered fans a different perspective of the film, highlighting its dark and melancholic tone. The black and white version further emphasizes the emotional nuances of the story, providing a distinct and powerful viewing experience.
During the Q&A session, Hugh Jackman and James Mangold discussed several aspects of the film, including key creative decisions and the importance of the ending.
Logan’s Ending: A Delicate Decision
One of the most significant moments of the talk was the discussion about the ending of the film, in which Logan sacrifices himself to save his daughter Laura, played by Dafne Keen. Jackman revealed that, in the initial stages of the project, it was not clear whether Logan would die or not.
“Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think we had decided whether he would die,” Jackman said. To which Mangold replied that the key was “earning the right ending” and that they wanted the film to “feel finished.”
The final scene, where Laura places a cross on Logan’s grave and turns it to form an X, was a particularly emotional moment for both actors and viewers. Jackman praised Mangold for coming up with this idea, describing it as “poetic,” and revealed that both he and Patrick Stewart (who played Professor Charles Xavier) were deeply moved upon seeing it for the first time. “When I saw it, I cried. I sat next to Patrick Stewart, we watched it for the first time and we both cried,” Jackman said.
Jackman and Stewart’s Relationship with Their Characters
During the session, Jackman also reflected on his long career playing Wolverine and the deep connection he has with the character. Both he and Patrick Stewart have been integral parts of the X-Men franchise for over 17 years, and ‘Logan’ marked a significant closure for both.
Not only did the film conclude Wolverine’s story, but it also provided a fitting farewell to Professor X, who met a tragic end in the film.
The affection and respect between Jackman and Stewart was evident as Jackman recalled their shared experience at the ‘Logan’ premiere in Berlin. The relationship between the two actors has always been close, and their farewell to these iconic characters was a deeply personal and emotional moment.
The Importance of ‘Logan’ in the Superhero Genre
‘Logan’ isn’t just a superhero movie; it’s an exploration of mortality, sacrifice and redemption. The film broke with many conventions of the genre, offering a more mature and realistic narrative.
The inclusion of dark elements and the lack of compromises in its depiction of violence and human pain made ‘Logan’ stand out as a cinematic masterpiece.
The decision to present a black-and-white version of the film, Logan Noir, further reinforces Mangold’s intention to create a visually striking and emotionally resonant experience. The special screening was not only a tribute to the film, but also a celebration of the culmination of an era for these characters and the actors who portrayed them.
A bittersweet goodbye
The New York evening, featuring the screening of ‘Logan Noir’ and the conversation that followed, was a memorable event that allowed fans and those involved in the film to reflect on the legacy of ‘Logan’.
Hugh Jackman, James Mangold and Hutch Parker offered an introspective look at the challenges and decisions behind creating the film, as well as saying goodbye to the characters they loved so much.
Jackman’s performance as Wolverine has been hailed as one of the best in the superhero genre, and his farewell to the character was both a personal and professional closure. ‘Logan’ has become a modern classic, and its impact will live on in popular culture.
The screening of ‘Logan Noir’ and the reflections shared during the event reaffirmed the meaning and importance of this film in the history of superhero cinema.
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