Britney Spears reacciona a las conversaciones de su hijo sobre su relación tensa en una nueva entrevista: Es muy gracioso ver a Kevin Federline hablar de moralidad cuando ha estado viviendo del dinero de Britney durante 15 años | HO

Britney Spears comparte una extensa respuesta después de que su hijo menor, Jayden, hablara sobre su tensa relación en una nueva entrevista que se emitirá en ITV News. Jayden le cuenta a Daphne Barak por qué él y su hermano mayor, Preston, le han quitado espacio a su madre en los meses posteriores a la finalización de su tutela. Britney escribe en Instagram que espera que ella y sus hijos se reúnan algún día.

Britney Spears acaba de responder después de que su hijo, de 15 años, hablara sobre su tensa relación y su “trauma emocional” en una entrevista reveladora
“Si pudieras detenerte un segundo, ¡recuerda de dónde vienes! ¡Espero que puedas mirarte al espejo y recordar que eres mi hijo y siempre lo serás!”

Cuando la controvertida tutela de Britney Spears fue terminada en noviembre después de 13 años, muchos pensaron que marcaría el fin de los problemas de la estrella.

Y es cierto que las cosas han mejorado para Britney, quien se casó con su amor de muchos años, Sam Asghari, en junio y lanzó un nuevo sencillo con Elton John, “Hold Me Closer”, la semana pasada.

Sin embargo, el drama sigue estando presente constantemente en su vida personal, y su tensa relación con sus hijos adolescentes ha salido a la luz pública en las últimas semanas.

Britney comparte a Preston, de 16 años, y a Jayden, de 15, con su exmarido Kevin Federline, con quien rompió un año antes de que se estableciera la tutela.

John Sciulli / WireImage para Ogilvy Public Relations
Durante ese año, Kevin tenía la custodia de sus hijos, pero Britney adquirió la custodia compartida nuevamente en 2008. A medida que pasaron los años, un nuevo acuerdo le dio a Britney dos visitas de sus hijos por semana, además de una estadía de una noche.

Britney le proporcionaba a Kevin 20.000 dólares al mes en concepto de manutención infantil y también cubría los gastos de la escuela, el seguro y la ropa de los niños. En 2018, Kevin solicitó un aumento en este acuerdo, lo que enfureció a los fans de Britney.

En los últimos años, Jayden y Preston comenzaron a visitar a su madre cada vez menos, y estuvieron notablemente ausentes de la boda de ella y Sam a principios de este verano.

El mes pasado, Kevin provocó una gran reacción cuando habló de Britney en una explosiva entrevista con el Daily Mail, donde reconoció la decisión de sus hijos de no visitar a su madre.

“Los chicos decidieron que no la verían por ahora”, dijo en ese momento. “Han pasado algunos meses desde que la vieron por última vez. Tomaron la decisión de no ir a su boda”.

Kevin went on to say that Jayden and Preston were uncomfortable with Britney’s minimally censored naked Instagram photos, which she previously said that she shares in a bid to reclaim her power after enduring the constraints of her conservatorship for more than a decade.

Kevin also claimed that Britney’s father, Jamie Spears, “saved her life” — despite Britney accusing him of being abusive toward her.

“I saw this man [Jamie Spears] that really cared, and really cares about his family and wanting everything to be OK,” Kevin said. “When Jamie took over, things got into order. He saved her life.”

Both Britney and her husband, Sam, released statements at the time, condemning Kevin for making such public comments about her children.

Britney wrote on Instagram that she was saddened by Kevin’s choice to do the interview, and claimed that Jayden and Preston were “hateful” toward her before they stopped visiting.

“I know that teenagers are just hard to deal with at that age … but COME ON, there’s being rude then there’s being HATEFUL,” she said, before adding: “they would visit me, walk in the door, go straight to their room and lock the door.”

Kevin responded by sharing a series of old videos that showed Britney arguing with their sons. The clips were seemingly filmed in secret by the children, and Britney appeared to have no knowledge that she was on camera.

Kevin captioned his social media post: “I can not sit back and let my sons be accused in this way after what they’ve been through. As much as it hurts us, we decided as a family to post these videos,” but the videos were quickly deleted.

Since then, both Kevin and Jayden have taken part in other interviews, with Kevin’s appearance on the Australian news show 60 Minutes set to air on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Jayden talked to documentary filmmaker Daphne Barak for ITV News, where he spoke openly about his mother.

The teenager insisted that there is “no hate” between him and Britney, but that “it will take a lot of time and effort” to repair their relationship.

“I just want her to get better mentally. When she gets better, I really want to see her again,” he added. Jayden also said that he is “really happy” for Britney and Sam, but it wasn’t appropriate for him and Preston to attend their wedding.

Instagram: @samasghari

“She didn’t invite the whole family and then if it was just going to be me and Preston, I just don’t see how that situation would have ended on good terms,” he said.

Jayden and Preston currently live with Kevin, his wife Victoria, their children Jordan, 11, and Peyton, 8, as well as Kevin’s two oldest children from a previous relationship, 20-year-old Kori, and 18-year-old Kaleb.

Jayden described their home as their “safe place,” after claiming that Britney struggled to give both him and his brother equal love and attention.

“I don’t think she showed enough to Preston and I feel really bad for that,” he said. “We’ve both been through so much pressure in the past that this is our safe place now, to process all the emotional trauma we’ve been through to heal, heal our mental state.”

And similarly to Kevin, Jayden also defended Britney’s parents, Jamie and Lynne Spears — who he calls Memaw and Paw Paw. Jayden said that his grandfather “doesn’t deserve all the hatred he is getting in the media.”

“I love him, with all my heart. He was just trying to be a father,” he added, also heaping praise on Britney’s brother, Bryan Spears, who she recently called out for lying about being invited to her wedding.

Jayden went on to lash out at his mom for her social media posts, saying: “Social media helps her… So if that’s what she wants to do, that’s what she wants to do. I’m not going to hate her for that. At the same time, she should come to the realization of whatever it is that stops her loving her family.”

“It’s almost like she has to post something on Instagram to get some attention,” Jayden went on. “This has gone on for years and years and years and there’s a high chance that this will never stop but I’m hoping for me that she will stop.”

Just hours after her son’s interview was published online, Britney responded by admitting that it deeply saddened her that she “wasn’t up to his expectations of a mother” in a lengthy Instagram statement.

The star also said that she’d have failed as a mother if Jayden genuinely believes that her parents are good people as she urged him and Preston to meet her for a face-to-face talk.

“Finally at 40, without the restraints of what my family did to me, I say to my son Jayden that I send all the love in the world to you every day for the rest of my life!!!! My love for my children has no boundaries and it deeply saddens me to know his outcry of saying I wasn’t up to his expectations of a mother…” Britney wrote. “And maybe one day we can meet face to face and talk about this openly!!!!”

Britney also dragged Kevin “who hasn’t had a job in 15 years” as she said that she understood how their differing parenting styles meant that her sons preferred to be raised by him.

“I assume it is easier for you guys not to have someone check on you to make sure you are doing your homework!!! I’m sure the standards of your dad smoking weed every day benefits your daily life at 15 and 16 to partake in a VERY COOL GENERATION !!!” she said.

Britney then reeled off all of the work that she did to provide for her sons, including judging on The X Factor and four tours, before writing: “It’s horrible to see your dad be a hypocrite and say media is horrible yet he has you talking about personal matters to them!!!”

“Si pudieras detenerte un segundo, ¡recuerda de dónde vienes! Espero que puedas mirarte al espejo y recordar… ¡eres mi hijo y siempre lo serás!”, continuó. “Como Preston no habló, ¡te envío mi amor! Nada me encantaría más que verlos a los dos cara a cara”.

Britney también respondió a los comentarios de Jayden sobre su salud mental, diciéndole que leyera un libro antes de comentar sobre su “intelecto”.

“En cuanto a mi salud mental… mi querida hija, entiende que debes aprender a tomar un libro y leerlo antes de siquiera pensar en mi intelecto, ¡cariño!”, escribió.

Para finalizar su declaración, Britney le dijo a Jayden: “Si puedes sentarte honestamente y decir con tu mente brillante y sensata que lo que Memaw y Paw Paw me hicieron estuvo bien y decir que no son malas personas… Entonces sí, he fallado como madre y espero que esta sea una charla para que tú y tu padre se sienten cara a cara e intenten aprender LO QUE ES BUENO”.

Si bien muchas personas simpatizaron con Britney y la elogiaron por hablar, hubo amplio consenso en que la situación con sus hijos se ha vuelto bastante triste en general, ya que los fanáticos expresaron su esperanza de que la familia pueda sanar en privado.

Al discutir la publicación de Britney en un foro de Reddit, un usuario escribió: “Estoy triste por todos los involucrados y realmente espero que Brit y sus hijos puedan resolverlo en privado/curarse para que estos niños puedan romper el ciclo de disfunción.

“Hay tanto trauma, tiempo perdido y una necesidad tan profunda de finalmente ser respetado/escuchado, pero espero que ella no responsabilice demasiado a los niños porque crecieron con algunas cosas realmente jodidas normalizadas”, dijeron.

Alguien más escribió: “Todo esto es un caos y una tristeza en muchos sentidos… Me siento horrible por Britney por tener que pasar por esto tan públicamente”.

Ni Kevin ni Jayden han respondido a lo que publicó Britney.